Developed and Planned Courses for Indigenous Learners
The following CPA preparatory courses that make up the fourteen essential prerequisite courses required for entry into the CPA PEP, are currently available or planned for upcoming sessions (course enrollment and registration is OPEN):
IFA is a non-core preparatory course. The CPA Introductory Financial Accounting (IFA) class teaches you about the basics of accounting. You'll learn about analyzing financial information, the accounting cycle, and how to record different types of financial transactions.
IMA is a non-core preparatory course. The CPA Introductory Management Accounting class examines how organizations use accounting information to plan, monitor, and control. Managers in all functional areas deal with the management accounting system of the organization they work for. The purpose of this course is to ensure that you have a basic understanding of how such systems operate, the language they use, and their limitations.
Prerequisite: Introductory Financial Accounting (IFA)
IF1 is a core preparatory course. The Intermediate Financial Reporting class builds on the introductory financial accounting concepts acquired in introductory financial accounting. This module focuses primarily on asset (cash, receivables, inventories, capital and intangible assets, investments).
- Introductory Financial Accounting (IFA)
- Introductory Management Accounting (IMA)
IF2 is a core preparatory course. The Intermediate Financial Reporting 2 class is a continuation of Intermediate Financial Reporting 1. This course focuses on liabilities and equities along with topics such as accounting for income taxes, leases, employee benefits, earnings per share and accounting changes.
- Introductory Financial Accounting (IFA)
- Introductory Management Accounting (IMA)
- Intermediate Financial Reporting 1 (IF1)
MAA is a core preparatory course. The Intermediate Management Accounting course builds on the introductory skills that are acquired in the Introductory Management Accounting course. The course develops the professional competence and skills that will enable you to understand the requirements of management reporting. It will also help you develop your ability to assess a situation, identify issues and alternatives, and formulate recommendations using professional judgment.
- Indigenous MAA Course Syllabus – Not available yet
Prerequisites for the ILA MAA preparatory course:
• Introductory Financial Accounting (IFA)
• Introductory Management Accounting (IMA)
• Corporate Finance (COF) is NOT a prerequisite for the ILA MAA preparatory course offering, but please note that COF is a prerequisite if MAA is taken through the regular preparatory course pathway.
Course Structure & Learning Formats
Each course begins with an In-Person Opening session and ends with an In-Person Closing session. There are also four additional in-person learning sessions. The synchronous activities provided throughout the course include facilitated discussions that foster a sense of community within the cohort and provide peer learning and support opportunities.
Throughout each course, guest speakers and Indigenous session leaders will be brought in to provide Indigenous content and context, and to support a social learning environment. In addition, career advisors and academic coaches will also be supporting this course.
At the beginning of each course, you will participate in a two-day* In-Person Opening session to engage in community building and be introduced to the profession. At the end of each course, the group will also gather for a two-day In-Person Closing session to focus on exam preparation.
*Please Note: For IFA it is a two-and-a-half-day In-Person Opening session.
Throughout each course, there will be four 2-day sessions with a smaller group where you will work through technical materials and be exposed to Indigenous content and context through guest speakers and activities.
All students are required to attend the four In-Person Learning sessions.
During each course, you will participate in virtual knowledge sharing sessions that cover various topics that are guided by the students. These sessions will also provide an opportunity for you to ask questions and receive support in completing assignments, studying for tests, and more.
Course assessment and passing grade:
The final course grade is weighted as follows: exam 70%, unit quizzes 20%, and assignments 10%. The passing grade is based on the final course grade (not the exam).
- For non-core preparatory courses (IFA and IMA), you must obtain 50% on the final exam to pass each course.
- For core preparatory courses (IF1), you must obtain 60% on the final exam to pass each course.
Final Exam formats:
- For non-core preparatory courses (IFA and IMA), the final exam will be conducted online. Therefore, you will need access to a personal computer and a stable internet connection. Travel to write the final exam is not required, unless you have trouble accessing the required computer or software.
- For core preparatory courses (IF1, IF2 and MAA), the final exam will be held at in-person exam centres. There are approximately 33 locations in Western Canada where the exam can be taken. If you live in a remote location (150 km or more from an approved, pre-arranged exam location), arrangements can be made for you to take the exam closer to your location.
More exam information will be provided at a later date.
You can defer an exam, if necessary, but it’s not advised.
*Dates and times of the exams are subject to change. The exams are nationally scheduled, and students will be required to write the exam on the specified date and time.
The individual and flexible learning parts of each course allow you to learn and complete assessments independently at your own pace after each In-Person Learning session and before the final exam.
Each unit covers several eBook chapters. Each chapter includes a snapshot, written instruction, examples, e-lessons on select technical topics, summary problems, and multiple-choice practice questions.
Each quiz consists of questions that have been selected to test your understanding of the technical topics in each unit.
Exercises and practice problems provide you with an opportunity to apply technical knowledge and strengthen your understanding of each course concepts.