When can I take the CPA Preparatory Courses Exams?

Apr 8, 2022
This illustration has a blue background and features books, music, a bulb, an exclamation point, a message icon, a gear icon, clouds, papers, statistics, a calendar, a photo, a plus, signs, a pencil, and a magnifying glass to indicate a student's life.
Photo credit: Variant/Depositphotos.com
CPA preparatory courses are designed for those who lack some or all of the prerequisite knowledge required for admission to the CPA Professional Education Program (CPA PEP). The preparatory courses offer an efficient and affordable way to take any or all of the 14 prerequisite courses required for entry to the CPA Professional Education Program. They are delivered part-time in a focused and flexible format. 

You can register in non-core courses at any time, and core courses are offered in five semesters per year. Each course ends with a final exam. Students must write the course-end exam within one year of the CPA preparatory course start date. For non-core courses, the course start date is the registration date.

Q1. When can I take my exam?

Exams for CPA preparatory courses are offered in five semesters per year. Students should review the exam schedule and note the appropriate registration and withdraw deadlines. You must register for your selected exam date by the appropriate semester’s registration deadline.

Q2. Can I take multiple exams at a time?

We generally recommend that you complete one exam per semester; however, you may register for more than one exam if the schedule and prerequisites permit. If you are registering for multiple courses, review the exam schedule to plan your exams, because you cannot register for multiple exams scheduled for the same date and time.

Q3. Can I change my exam date?

Yes. Exams dates are nationally scheduled and offered five times per year. Provided you have time remaining within your one-year time limit, you are responsible for re-registering for a future exam session. A fee will apply if you withdraw from your exam within five weeks of the exam date. 

Q4. Can I not attend the exam if I’m not prepared to write it? 

If you are registered for an exam, but do not attend, it is considered an exam no-show. You will receive a mark of zero and be charged a failed course attempt. You will be required to retake the full course to be eligible for an exam attempt in the future.

If you realize you are not prepared to write the exam, it is advisable to withdraw from the exam (at least one day before the exam date), and re-register for a future semester. Please note a withdraw penalty may apply and you must have time remaining in your one-year time limit to reschedule your exam to a future semester.

Q5. What if I don’t take my exam within the one-year time limit?

If you exceed the one year-time limit without completing the final exam, you will fail the course and it will be charged as an attempt. You will be required to retake the full course to be eligible for another exam attempt.

Q6. When should rewrite exams be completed?

Rewrite exam opportunities must be taken in the semester immediately following the initial exam attempt. If you choose not to rewrite the exam in the next available semester, you will need to retake the entire course before re-attempting the exam in the future.

If you have questions about exams for the CPA preparatory courses, review the CPAWSB Student Guide or the Exam FAQs. You may also contact [email protected].