Spring 2021 Plagiarism Statistics
Plagiarism—submitting someone else’s work as your own—is unacceptable in CPA education and carries serious consequences such as failure of the module and/or expulsion. Following every session, CPAWSB investigates suspected instances, and below we share the results from the Spring 2021/2022 CPA PEP session.
Spring 2021 Plagiarism Occurrences
During the Spring 2021 CPA PEP session, plagiarism instances included the following:Exam Plagiarism
Exam plagiarism occurs where responses are copied from:- Websites
- CPA provided solutions
- CPA Learning E-Book without citation
Assignment Plagiarism
Assignment plagiarism occurs where assignments are submitted with materials copied from:- Other candidates (both the enabler and copier face consequences)
- Material directly provided by another candidate
- Material indirectly provided through sources such as WhatsApp or Course Hero
- Online assignment sharing websites (CourseHero, Chegg, etc.)
- CPA Learning E-Book without citation
Recently there has been an increase in candidates using websites during end-of-module examinations. Using any reference materials other than the approved materials is unacceptable and is an exam rules violation.If candidates reference materials found on a website for module assignments, they must cite their sources and ensure that the majority of the work is their own.