International Assessment for International Designates

Jul 29, 2022
A photo of multiple country flags against a backdrop of clear blue skies.
Photo credit: Alan/
International Designates are active members in good standing with accounting institutions that are International Federation of Accountants IFAC member organizations. If this applies to you, you can have your previously completed international experience assessed through CPAWSB's Practical Experience Review Committee (PERC).

Experience assessment requires candidates to submit THREE forms: 

Form 1 - The Experience Verification Form

Once your CPA PEP eligibility is confirmed, you'll receive this form with your transcript assessment result. This form allows our Practical Experience Review Committee to review your file. Page two of this form requires listing all of your previous international employers who will fill out the second form (IPEV) on your behalf. To be eligible for a review, at least one of these international positions must have ended within the last seven years. 

Form 2 - International Practical Experience Verification (IPEV)

Once the completed experience verification form is received, you will be sent this form. This form requires you to self-evaluate the work experience you have completed at each employer, previously identified on Form 1. Your previous employer must sign off this form. 

Form 3 - The Enabling Competencies Form 

As a Designate, you must answer short enabling competency questions. These questions describe your experiences throughout your international work and how those experiences will impact future behaviour. 

Once all three forms (and all copies of the IPEV form) are received, you'll be reviewed by our committee. Decisions take two-to-three months upon receiving the final outstanding document. PERC may award between 12 and 30 months of experience, depending on how well you demonstrate and meet the required competencies.

For more information, email [email protected].

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