CPA PEP Update for the 2022/23 Academic Year

Dec 16, 2021
A photo of a blackboard with the word "Update" on it and a clock drawn above it.

Covid 19 Updates

The CPA profession is planning to return to in-person events in 2022 when it is safe to do so.

2022/23 Administrative Fee Updates

There will be a slight increase in the CPA PEP fees for the 2022/23 academic year. Please refer to the fee schedule to access the new fees.

Module Updates


The Schedule of CPA Module Key Dates reflects the registration, module, workshop, and exam schedules for modules that will be offered in 2022/23.  We expect the 2023 schedule to be published in early 2022. Information regarding the 2022 Capstone 1 cases and the CFE is available here.

Virtual workshops

All workshops in 2021 were transitioned to virtual delivery, continuing through the Winter 2022 session. We expect that throughout 2022, CPAWSB will continue to offer virtual workshops as an option after the return to in-person workshops. We will update candidates as decisions are made on the formats available for each session.

Exam Updates

Exam delivery format

Earlier this month, the CPA profession announced the planned return to in-person exams starting in March 2022. More information will be available in early 2022 to provide candidates with the exam schedules, format, exam regulations, and FAQs for in-person exams. We anticipate writers will be required to provide proof of vaccination with a Health Canada-approved vaccine or combination of approved vaccines, with the final dose of the vaccine having been administered no later than two weeks before the examination. Proof of vaccination or confirmation of a medical exemption will be required. These requirements are subject to any changes resulting from new public health orders or further requirements set by exam writing centres.

New secondary in-person exam locations

When in-person examinations resume, candidates living in Terrace, BC; The Pas, Manitoba; and Thompson, Manitoba will have the opportunity to write their exams in those communities as secondary exam locations. Writers in secondary locations have access to remote, rather than in-person, IT support.

Administrative Updates

Annual Re-enrollment

All candidates are required to annually re-enroll with the School and pay dues to remain in good standing. Re-enrollment ensures you can register in modules and continue to accumulate time towards the practical experience requirement. If you have documented special circumstances that preclude you from actively participating in CPA PEP, you can apply for temporary program leave that will allow you to stay enrolled in CPA PEP. Time away from the program while on a temporary program leave is excluded from the maximum seven years permitted to complete the program. Information about annual re-enrollment, including how to pay annual dues, applying for a program leave, and the consequences of failing to complete annual re-enrollment or pay dues on time is available here.

Annual re-enrollment for the 2022/23 academic year opens December 20, 2021. You can pay dues immediately or defer payment until May 31, 2022. For information on how to find/print your invoice in My CPA portal, please review the blog post on Common Actions Within My CPA Portal.
Annual re-enrollment must be complete before registering for modules in the 2022 Spring session.

ID verification when changing legal name

All applicants must provide proof of their full legal names when applying to CPA PEP. If any part of your legal name (i.e. first name, middle name, and/or last name) changes while you are registered in CPA PEP you will be required to submit updated documentation with your new legal name. A list of acceptable identification documents is available here.

Study Permit Requirement and Residency Status Change

To maintain status as an active learner, you must be a Canadian citizen, permanent resident or hold a valid study permit while registered with CPAWSB. If you hold a study permit, before the expiry date, you will be required to submit a study permit renewal application to the Canadian government. To request an appendix to the study permit to support your application, please submit a request for status letter on My CPA portal, identifying it is for a study permit application. If your residency status has changed and you are now a permanent resident or a Canadian citizen, please provide your documentation to [email protected] and we will update your account.

T2202 Distribution

T2202 forms will be available for download from My CPA portal on or before February 28, 2022; we will email you when they are available. More information on tax receipts is available here.

Practical Experience

Practical experience is administered by the provincial CPA bodies. Visit our website for additional information regarding practical experience and provincial body contact information.

Keeping Employment and Contact Information Current

When completing annual re-enrollment, ensure that your first and last name listed in My CPA Portal match your legal name. This is essential for confirming you for membership, allowing you to write the CFE, and attending examinations. Also ensure your home address, phone number(s), and email address(es) are current so CPAWSB can communicate key program updates to you.

If you recently moved or are planning to move to another province or territory, contact [email protected] for assistance in updating your governance or residency status.
If your employment situation changes, you must:

  • Update your employment information in My CPA Portal within two weeks. When updating employment information, remember to review the settings about sharing registration and module/examination information with employers.

  • Update your profile in the Practical Experience Reporting Tool (PERT) and submit experience reports. For further information, refer to the PERT access guide or contact your provincial bodies directly.

For additional information on updating personal information, please visit our website.

Harmonized Education Policies (HEP)

The national HEP is updated annually and outlines the policies that govern CPA PEP, including program admission requirements, exam eligibility, and more.

Expectations for Academic Integrity and Professional Conduct

As a candidate enrolled in the CPA certification program, you are always expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and professional conduct. CPAWSB’s policies regarding plagiarism and professional conduct are detailed on our website.