NOTE: If you have any questions or comments, please visit our website www.cpawsb.ca for contact information or use the contact information specified below.
This message contains important information about the CPA Professional Education Program (CPA PEP) in 2020/21. It was sent to all candidates and posted on the CPAWSB website. Candidates working under the experience verification route (EVR) are asked to share this information with their employers.
2020/21 Administrative Fees and Updates
CPA PEP fees will remain the same as the 2019/20 academic year.
The Schedule of CPA Module Key Dates reflects the registration, module, workshop, and exam schedules for modules that will be offered in 2020/21. Please note:
- There are two CFE offerings in 2020: one in May and one in September. The 2020 Capstone and CFE schedule is published separately from the Core and Elective schedule for ease of use.
- Anyone intending to write the CFE in 2020 will need to register during the appropriate registration period. The May 2020 CFE will be linked to the Winter 2020 Capstone 1 case, and the September 2020 CFE will be linked to the Spring 2020 Capstone 1 case.
- CPA Canada has committed to offering two CFEs each year going forward. We expect the 2021 schedule to be available and published in early 2020.
- Fast track scheduling to complete Core 1 and Core 2 concurrently is ideal for candidates without work obligations, allowing them to complete their studies full time. Email [email protected] after completing Core 1 registration to start the fast track registration process.
Module changes
In October, we announced several changes to the CPA education delivered by CPAWSB, including extended CPA PEP modules, adding Core 1 and elective module offerings, and virtual workshops.
In addition to the previously announced changes, CPA Canada is also changing the timing of the Module Workshop days. Starting in January 2020, the Workshop days will run from 9:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m. local time for all modules.
PEP Exam Updates
Exam laptops
In November, the profession announced that CPA-issued laptops would be provided to all candidates to write their PEP exam(s) to provide a more seamless, secure exam writing experience. As a result, candidates will:
- not be required to install the SecureClient on their laptop
- not need to complete the SecureClient Activities
- no longer be permitted to bring their own laptop to the exam writing centres
- be permitted to bring a wired mouse to use during the exam
- continue to use their own laptops to complete their course work
The CPA-issued laptops come equipped with a built-in or external numeric keypad.
If you have any questions about the changes to the exam delivery, please contact the Help Desk at https://cpacanada.service-now.com/support.
Exam locations
To increase location flexibility in the Metro Vancouver area, the exam locations for Abbotsford, Burnaby, Surrey, and Vancouver will be updated to include the surrounding areas. As candidates register for their exams, they will select the location and surrounding area that best meets their needs.
Annual Re-enrollment
All candidates are required to re-enroll with the School and pay dues annually to remain in good standing. Re-enrollment ensures candidates can continue to register in courses and modules and continue to accumulate time towards the practical experience requirement. Information about annual re-enrollment, including how to pay annual dues, selecting a non-active year, and the consequences of failing to complete annual re-enrollment or pay dues on time is available here.
You can complete annual re-enrollment starting December 23, 2019, and pay dues immediately or defer payment until May 31, 2020. For information on how to find/print your invoice in My CPA portal, please review the CPAWSB Candidate Resource Guide (Appendix B).
Candidates must complete annual re-enrollment before registering for modules in the Spring session.
Non-active year
When completing annual re-enrollment, candidates can elect to take a non-active year, which means maintaining their CPA PEP registration and not participating in any CPA PEP modules or accumulating any practical experience between April 1, 2020, and March 31, 2021. Non-active year dues are $510 plus GST (equivalent to half-year dues). Taking an inactive year will not extend legacy transition deadline dates for completing a degree, experience, or education.
SIN Collection and T2202 Distribution
In early December, we informed you of the requirement to provide your SIN for use on T2202 tax forms.
The deadline to enter your SIN via My CPA portal is January 31, 2020. If you do not provide your SIN, you may be subject to a penalty from CRA pursuant to the Income Tax Regulations.
To enter your SIN go to the Contact Information dropdown under My Profile.
T2202 forms will be available for download from My CPA portal on or before March 2, 2020; we will notify you when they are available.
More information on tax receipts is available here.
Practical Experience
Practical experience is administered by the provincial CPA bodies. For additional information regarding practical experience and provincial body contact information, please visit our website.
Keeping Employment and Contact Information Current
Please review your contact information, including legal first and last name, home address, phone number(s) and email address(es) to make sure they are up to date. It is important that this information is correct as CPAWSB will use it to communicate with you. If you have or are planning to move to another province or territory, contact [email protected] for assistance in updating your governance or residency status.
If you change employer, you need to update your employment information in My CPA Portal within two weeks. When updating employment information, review the settings about sharing registration and module/examination information with employers.
You are also required to update your profile in the Practical Experience Reporting Tool (PERT) and submit experience reports. For further information, please refer to the PERT access guide or contact the provincial bodies directly.
For additional information on updating personal information, please visit our website.
Harmonized Education Policies (HEP)
The national HEP is now updated annually and outlines the policies that govern CPA PEP, including program admission requirements, exam eligibility, and more.
Expectations for Academic Integrity and Professional Conduct
All candidates enrolled in the CPA certification program are expected to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and professional conduct at all times. CPAWSB’s policies regarding plagiarism and professional conduct are detailed on our website.