Three reasons for which candidates can be expelled from CPA PEP include:
- non-payment of fees
- exhausting module attempts
- failure to complete the program within the established time limits.
This post outlines options for anyone who finds themselves expelled for one of these reasons.
If you have been removed from CPA PEP for any of the above reasons, you are welcome to apply for re-admission to CPA PEP, but you will have to meet the entrance requirements in place when you apply. Currently, this includes having completed at least one applicable course in each CPA competency area within the last 10 years before being accepted into CPA PEP. If you are missing any courses that are now required for entry into CPA PEP or any entrance courses you previously completed have expired, you will need to complete those outstanding prerequisite courses through the CPA preparatory courses or the equivalent at a post-secondary institution. More information on admission requirements can be found on our website.
Once you are assessed as being eligible to re-enter CPA PEP, you will start again as if you were a new candidate and will begin at Core 1 to complete the modules in the program. Your experience would also reset; however, you will be eligible to have up to 12 months of prior experience recognized towards your current requirements.
Interested applicants can apply for readmission by following these steps:
- Submit a new Transcript Assessment request through the My CPA portal.
- When your assessment shows you are PEP eligible, submit a new CPA PEP Admission Application through the My CPA portal. Select the entry category of "re-admission".
- Pay all applicable fees.
If you have any questions about the readmission process, contact Admission Services at [email protected].