Ask anyone who has waited for results for the national exam, and they will tell you that the days between writing and results release seem to pass extra S–L-O–W-L-Y. And while there is nothing we can do to help those days pass more quickly, there are a few things you can do to make sure that you can access your results smoothly on release day.
Check your contact information
We will be in touch later in November with information about the results release process. To make sure you don’t miss that information, make sure that your email address is up-to-date in the My CPA portal.
Check your employment information
While you’re in the portal, review your selection for the “information sharing consent” to indicate whether you want your employer to receive your results. If you choose to check the box, the employer listed in your profile will be able to view the results through their portal, so be sure to review the employment information.
Check your balance
If your account with CPAWSB has any unpaid balances, your results may be delayed. And, if you intend to apply to membership shortly after receiving your results (assuming you pass), you will need to pay any outstanding balance so that the School can confirm you are “in good standing.”
Complete Your Experience Requirements
In order to become a CPA Member you must complete all three components of the program: Education, Examination, and Experience. As a Candidate that has passed the CFE you have now completed two of the three components of CPA PEP. You will also need to complete the practical experience requirements prior to your Experience Completion Deadline before you will be eligible to apply to become a member of a provincial CPA body. It is your responsibility to ensure you are submitting your experience reports through PERT and are responding to requests from your provincial practical experience team in a timely manner.
For questions regarding experience requirements, please reach out to your relevant practical experience team: