Following a comprehensive planning process, the CPA profession has announced the delivery approach for the September 2020 Common Final Examination (CFE). This plan to deliver the September 2020 CFE in-person recognizes physical distancing guidelines and addresses public health concerns.
Delivery approach
The plan is that CPA candidates will write the September 2020 CFE at multiple hotels across the country, in the usual examination centre cities. Each candidate will be assigned their own hotel room for the duration of their examination. Within each room, candidates will have access to their own washroom and writing desk. Candidates will be provided with CPA-issued laptops that will have Word, Excel, and Folio Views installed. The Surpass software will not be used on this CFE.
During the examination, hotel room doors will remain open and the writing desks will be visible from the hallway. Candidates and their invigilator, as required, will be the only persons permitted to access the rooms. Personal protection equipment will be provided to each candidate and invigilator on each day of the CFE. Candidates will not be allowed to sleep in the rooms in which they write their examination but will have the option of booking another hotel room if they wish to stay at the same hotel.
To maintain social distancing guidelines, we will stagger start times, as needed, to minimize the number of candidates entering and exiting the hotel at the same time. The arrival times will be provided to candidates in advance of the examination.
Next steps
Closer to the CFE dates, writers will receive more details regarding logistics and other pertinent information. This information will include the comprehensive measures the profession plans to implement to mitigate the risks related to COVID-19. At that time, writers will be asked to sign a waiver acknowledging these health and safety risks.
In the meantime, please review the regularly-updated FAQs document on the CPA Canada website for valuable information that addresses candidates questions and concerns related to the profession’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The profession remains committed to our candidates and their pursuit to attain the CPA designation. We wish you well in your studies and thank you for being patient and understanding.