The CPA Western School of Business provides reasonable one-time and ongoing exam accommodations to learners who:
- Need to bring medical items to the writing centre
- Wear a head covering
- Require restricted items at the writing centre
- Require an alternate exam location because they live more than 150 km from the nearest writing centre
- Have documented disabilities (physical, mental, or learning impairments) within the definition provided by the Human Rights Code
What’s the difference between a one-time and ongoing accommodation?
Accommodation requested for one specific exam offering only | Accommodation requested for all current and future exams |
If granted, accommodation is valid for one specific CPA exam | If granted, accommodation is valid for the duration of CPA education |
Example: broken arm | Example: learning disability |
When should I submit an accommodation request?
Requests should be made at least 10 weeks before the exam date to allow time for sufficient review.
Applications may be accepted after the deadline for extenuating circumstances.
What sort of documentation is required for cases involving disabilities?
CPA accommodation request forms are available to all CPA learners on the CPA Canada website. Accommodation Request Individual Form 1 and Accommodation Request Medical Form 2 are required.
A current neuropsychological or psychoeducational assessment may be required if the request is due to a cognitive or learning disability, or neurological disorder that affects cognitive abilities.
As part of the application process, applicants should be treated by professionals who are experts with the nature of the disability. Refer to Page 7 of the Accessibility document on CPA Canada website.
How are requests involving disabilities assessed?
Requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis by the CPA Special Accommodations Panel, to ensure equal opportunity for learners to fully demonstrate their qualifications. Each case is considered after carefully reviewing the submitted documentation; however, submitting a request does not guarantee receiving an accommodation.
Accommodations should not modify the nature and level of the qualification being assessed. Many of the examinations in CPAWSB’s educational qualification process are time constrained and evaluate the learner’s ability to manage time. As a result, it is not unusual of applicants to receive less time than they may have been previously granted at a post secondary institution.
Who should I talk to about an accommodation request?
Applicants can direct inquiries regarding CPA exam accommodations to [email protected].