CPA Preparatory Courses Plagiarism Recap - 2021 Semester 3

Sep 3, 2021

Semester 3 2021 Plagiarism Statistics

Plagiarism—submitting someone else’s work as your own—is unacceptable in CPA education and carries serious consequences such as failure of the course and/or expulsion. Following every semester, CPAWSB investigates suspected instances, and below we share the results from the 2021 Semester 3 CPA Preparatory Course plagiarism investigations.

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Semester 3 2021 Plagiarism Occurrences

During the Semester 3 2021 CPA Preparatory Course, plagiarism instances included the following:

Exam Plagiarism

Exam plagiarism occurs where responses are copied from:
  • Websites
  • Other studentsC
  • PA Learning E-Book without citation

Assignment Plagiarism

Assignment plagiarism occurs where assignments are submitted with materials copied from:
  • CPA provided solutions
  • Other Students

All individuals found guilty of plagiarism or enabling plagiarism during Semester 3 2021 incurred serious consequences.

Collaboration with Other Students

There has been an increase in students collaborating with peers during examinations. This is an exam rules violation. Students will face serious consequences if found guilty.


Recently there has been an increase in students using websites during examinations. Using any reference materials other than the approved materials is unacceptable and is an exam rules violation.

If students reference materials found on a website for assignments, they must cite their sources and ensure that the majority of the work is their own.

Submitting CPA Solutions

Under no circumstance are CPA-provided solutions to be shared with others or submitted for an assignment or online assessment. If you submit CPA-provided solutions, you will face serious consequences. All student work is reviewed through Turnitin software, which is designed to detect instances of plagiarism by comparing submitted items against information on the internet, CPA Canada solutions, and all previous CPA Preparatory course student submissions from across Canada. You can avoid a plagiarism investigation by not submitting CPA-provided solutions or parts of CPA-provided solutions in your assignments or online assessments.