The following information is designed to help you interpret your performance on the Core module examination and is also available through the CPAWSB Results page.
Overall PASS/ FAIL Result
If you achieved a “Pass with distinction”, a “Pass” or a “Marginal pass”, you are eligible to proceed to the next module of the CPA Professional Education Program (CPA PEP). If you received a FAIL, you can rewrite the next offering of the examination without repeating the module. You will be required to repeat and pass the module before attempting the module examination a third time.
This overall result is based on:
- how you performed on the objective format portion and/or the case portions of the examination; and
- how you performed as compared to a competency profile and fair pass mark set by the Board of Examiners.

Feedback by examination portion
The transcript also provides information with respect to your performance, by specific competency area, compared to other writers of the same examination sitting. This feedback information is not comparable to other sittings and it is independent of the fair pass decision. Your performance in each relevant technical competency area (i.e. Financial Reporting; Strategy and Governance; Management Accounting; Audit and Assurance; Finance; and Taxation) is indicated by the shading of the assessed level for each area. You can compare to the group performance, which represents the percentage of candidates who attained each competency level for this examination.
Please note that all competency areas are not assessed on every examination, and therefore you may not receive feedback on all technical competency areas.
Weighting of Competency Areas
Where applicable, keep in mind the coverage (%) of each competency area when interpreting your results.
Performance on each competency area of each case has been assessed in one of the following levels:

In setting the passing profile, the following factors are considered:
- The level of difficulty of the examination questions.
- The design and application of the marking guide.
- Comments from markers regarding any marking difficulties encountered or any time constraints noted.
- Possible ambiguity of wording in the case.
If you have any other questions about the exam results transcript, please contact the Learner Support team via email at [email protected].