News and Updates
CPAWSB values the unique relationship employers have with CPA learners. To support employers and keep them up to date with information related to the CPA education, CPAWSB has created a news site where employers can find a summary of employer communications, important updates/dates and events.
CFE News and Blogs

Waiting for CFE Results? What You Can Do Now
Ask anyone who has waited for results for the national exam, and they will tell you that the days between writing and results release seem to pass extra S–L-O–W-L-Y. And while there is nothing we can do to help those days pass more quickly, there are a few things you can do to make sure that you can access your results smoothly on release day.
Jun 30, 2023

Ask Learner Support: Selecting a CFE Role
This week, we focus on a question received by the Learner Support team about choosing a CFE role.
Mar 3, 2023

CFE Coaches – Successful CFE Candidates can coach future CFE writers!
Did you know that recent successful CFE candidates are uniquely positioned to provide valuable advice to aid future CFE writers? This blog post discusses the opportunity to volunteer as a CFE coach and what it entails.
Dec 2, 2022

After the CFE…Now What?
Now that you have completed your CFE, you may be wondering what your next steps are. This blog post outlines these steps for both successful and unsuccessful CFE writers.
Nov 25, 2022

Enough of Enough: A CPA’s Guide to Case-Writing Balance
Part of becoming a CPA is developing professional judgement, which requires deliberate practice. Sam discusses a workot plan tailored to AO results.
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Aug 26, 2022

PEP-Check: Exploring Complementary Designations
By earning your CPA designation, you have unlocked several new possibilities. In this post, Sam will discuss some opportunities for you to consider as you build the next stages of your career.
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Aug 19, 2022

Congrats! You’ve Got Your CPA, Now What?
List of the opportunities that are available to Canadian CPAs.
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA, and CPAWSB
Aug 12, 2022

Details on CFE Approach
This news post provides additional information about the May 2022 Common Final Examination, including start times, laptop and software, and safety protocols. *Please note there is an April 22 deadline for the COVID-19 requirements as outlined below*.
Apr 7, 2022

A Message for the September 2021 CFE writers
With the CFE just around the corner, it is important to remember why we train.
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Sep 10, 2021

The Importance of Vetting your Sources
You’ve probably heard “If it is too good to be true, it usually is.” Unless you receive info from a CPA Canada or CPAWSB resource, it is secondary evidence. What does this mean?
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Aug 6, 2021

CFE Preparation: The Final Countdown-Updated for May 2021
The CFE begins in three weeks, so now is an excellent time to consider some of the finer points of your CFE preparation strategy. Here are some ideas to help ensure you are at your best on the big day.
May 7, 2021

Capstone 2: FAQs and resources explained
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to grab your favourite beverage, get comfy, and get ready to read some Capstone 2 FAQs.
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Apr 23, 2021

The Common Final Exam (CFE): Are you ready?
A few weeks before the final exam a Core 2 candidate posted the following message to the discussion board...
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Apr 1, 2021

Congratulations to the Successful 2020 CFE Writers
Congratulations to everyone who was successful on the 2020 CFE! This accomplishment reflects your hard work and dedication to your CPA education. Take this time to celebrate this important milestone in your career.
Nov 27, 2020

Game Day: Why you train
The CFE is less than two weeks away. As you approach “game day”, let’s recap what we’ve covered about how to prepare and offer our suggestions for your final preparations.
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Aug 28, 2020

September 2020 Common Final Examination Delivery
Following a comprehensive planning process, the CPA profession has announced the delivery approach for the September 2020 Common Final Examination (CFE). This plan to deliver the September 2020 CFE in-person recognizes physical distancing guidelines and addresses public health concerns.
Jul 3, 2020

Swing and a hit: Knock-out your Capstone 1 Virtual Presentation
During these challenging times we, the co-authors of this blog post, have taken many of the presentations we typically deliver live and in-person and transitioned them into the asynchronous virtual world.
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Jun 19, 2020

September 2020 CFE and the CPA Competency Map
In this “Ask an Advisor” series, we answer questions regularly received by the different teams responsible for CPA course and module administration. This week, we focus on a question received by the Learner Support team.
Jun 12, 2020

Feedback: Just State It
In a recent post, I discussed how candidates can cement their knowledge of recent tasks and cases with active reflection. In the same way we encourage candidates to engage in active reflection in their responses, did you know that your CPA PEP educators and administrators use candidate feedback in their own active reflection to improve?
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Mar 12, 2020

Closing the Loop: Active Reflection
According to learning and management sciences, a feedback loop exists to assist in learning from mistakes. Scholars agree that this loop has, at a minimum, an inciting event, reaction, and reflection. Someone who fails to sufficiently synthesize and employ the feedback may find themselves repeating their mistakes and receiving the same feedback, leading to frustration.
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Mar 5, 2020

Practice Like You Play: The Importance of Writing in Exam-Like Conditions
My former rugby coach and conditioning trainer used to tell us, “you practice like you will play”. Since hanging up my cleats, I have often wondered, did Paul know his lessons for pitch preparedness would parallel to the accounting profession?
By Samantha Taylor, PME, CPA, CA
Feb 21, 2020

Capstone considerations: Changing Your CFE Role
We have previously written posts about how to choose your CFE role. This Capstone Considerations post explores the reasons why you might change your CFE role. The role you choose determines the approach you take on Day 2 of the CFE.
Apr 3, 2019

Capstone considerations: Why the role you choose matters
Many of the same factors that go into selecting your CPA PEP electives are also relevant when choosing your role for the CFE. In fact, most candidates choose electives in line with what CFE role they will choose when they write. Therefore, although it’s not necessary to choose a CFE role that’s aligned with your chosen electives, it can be an advantage when writing Day 2 of the exam, when this choice is evaluated.
Feb 27, 2019
COVID-19 Update

COVID-19 update
Recognition of Pre-requisite Courses During the Pandemic
Information regarding the recognition of pre-requisite courses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jul 8, 2022

COVID-19 update
Update on CPA preparatory course assessment delivery and schedule- April 2022 (Semester 2)
The profession has decided it will not be delivering the April CPA preparatory course examinations in person as was previously communicated in December 2021. Instead, the examinations will be delivered remotely.
Jan 25, 2022

COVID-19 update
Update on CPA preparatory course assessment delivery and schedule – January 2022 (Semester 1)
Update on CPA preparatory course assessment delivery and schedule
Oct 29, 2021

COVID-19 update
2021 Post Designation Public Accounting (PDPA) Examination Delivery
In light of the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, the profession is providing important information about the delivery format for your upcoming CPA post-designation public accounting (PDPA) examination taking place on November 5, 2021.
Sep 2, 2021

COVID-19 update
2021 CPA Reciprocity Examination (CPARE) Delivery
In light of the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, the profession is providing important information about the delivery format for your upcoming CPA Reciprocity Examination (CPARE) taking place on November 5, 2021.
Sep 2, 2021

COVID-19 update
August/ September 2021 CPA Preparatory Course Assessments
Additional details about the CPA preparatory course assessments scheduled between August 24 and September 2, 2021, are now available.
Aug 12, 2021

COVID-19 update
Update on CPA Preparatory Course Assessment Delivery and Schedule November 2021 (Semester 5)
In light of the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, the profession is implementing changes to the November 2021 (Semester 5) CPA preparatory course assessments.
Jul 23, 2021

COVID-19 update
Update on CPA Preparatory Course Assessments: Delivery and Schedule 2021
The CPA profession remains committed to keeping you on track in your journey to becoming a CPA. In light of the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, the profession is implementing changes to the 2021 Semester 1 to Semester 4 CPA preparatory course assessments.
Jul 22, 2021

COVID-19 update
June 2021 CPA Preparatory Course Assessments
Additional details about the CPA preparatory course assessments scheduled between June 15 and June 25, 2021 are now available.
Jun 1, 2021

Introducing the new Competency Map
The new Competency Map is also more flexible and will help ensure the profession can be responsive and adaptable to new technologies and changing social values.
By CPA Canada
Mar 1, 2022

Summer 2021/2022 Plagiarism Statistics
Following every semester, CPAWSB investigates suspected instances. Here are the results from the 2021/2022 Summer CPA PEP session.
Dec 7, 2021

Update on CPA PEP Workshop Format 2021
The profession has needed to adapt the way we deliver the CPA PEP modules with the continued development of the COVID-19 pandemic. The move to asynchronous workshops has filled a need for safe and effective learning to this point.
Jul 14, 2021