A banner for the Indigenous Learners website of CPAWS. The words on the banner read, "Indigenous Learners in Accounting".
A banner for the Indigenous Learners website of CPAWS. The words on the banner read, "Indigenous Learners in Accounting".

To enroll in any of the ILA preparatory courses, you must:

To enroll in any of the ILA preparatory courses, you must:

Have 30 credit hours (approx. 1 year) of post-secondary education or 3 years of relevant experience is normally required for admission to the IFA preparatory course. Because of the changes in the Indigenous IFA course structure, this requirement may be waived based on your qualifications, work experience, and commitment to completing the course. Eligibility will be assessed during enrollment.

Provide proof of Indigenous Status with one of the following:

  • Copy of a Status card from the Government of Canada
  • Copy of a Métis membership card from one of the five Métis Provincial Affiliates or recognized Territorial organizations.  Additionally, the student may present a membership card from the Métis Settlements General Council showing membership in a Métis Settlement of Alberta
  • Copy of a Nunavut Trust Certificate card
  • Documentation that an ancestor’s name has been entered 1) in the Indian Register according to the Indian Act, or 2) on the band list of an individual band, or 3) as beneficiaries of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement or other claim regions such as Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, and Inuvialuit
  • Written confirmation of Indigenous identity from Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada or Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated
  • Written confirmation of membership by a band council which has enacted its own band membership code

For Indigenous learners unable to provide one of the above, we encourage them to reach out to the CPAWSB to explore other options.