A banner for the Indigenous Learners website of CPAWS. The words on the banner read, "Indigenous Learners in Accounting".
A banner for the Indigenous Learners website of CPAWS. The words on the banner read, "Indigenous Learners in Accounting".

Please note: If the credit card option is used for payment, a non-refundable credit card surcharge will also be applied to the total invoice amount. The surcharge rate is subject to change but will never be higher than 2.50%. Other payment options are available

Transcript assessment fee


Initial registration fee


Annual Candidate Dues


Module fee


To register in any further modules after successfully completing core 1, you will already have to be enrolled in ILA PEP. The following fees will apply.

Pay only for the module you are registering in:

Please note: If the credit card option is used for payment, a non-refundable credit card surcharge will also be applied to the total invoice amount. The surcharge rate is subject to change but will never be higher than 2.50%. Other payment options are available.

CPA PEP Core 2 Module fee$1,400
CPA PEP Assurance Elective fee$1,400
Annual Re-enrollment candidate Dues** (if applicable)$1,115

**CPAWSB’s academic year runs from April 1 through March 31. Candidates must re-enroll in ILA PEP each year which simply means the annual Candidate fees ($1,115.00 + GST) must be paid before the candidate can register in modules that start after April 1. Notification is provided to candidates in December/January by email when annual Re-enrollment opens.