CPAWSB Appeals
Appeal Committee Overview
CPAWSB’s Admission and Standards Appeal Committee monitors the administration of academic standards and reviews management decisions regarding academic integrity and CPA education administered by CPAWSB.
When considering an appeal, the Admission and Standards Appeal Committee has several remedies to choose from, including denying or granting the appeal; varying the decision; and with respect to examinations, classifying the result as “did not attempt”, partially or completely refunding the examination fee, or requesting the result be reinstated or the exam be remarked if academic dishonesty did not occur during an examination.
The Admission and Standards Appeal Committee does not re-mark examinations and cannot change an examination grade from unsuccessful to successful.
Filing an Appeal
After receiving a decision from CPAWSB administration or receiving an appeal result, learners have ten business days to file an appeal. To file an appeal, submit a notice of appeal to [email protected], which must include:
- The reasons for the appeal.
- A copy of the decision being appealed.
- Confirmation of sending payment of the appeal fee as indicated in the fee schedules for CPA preparatory course students or CPA PEP candidates.
The fee is payable by cheque to the CPA Western School of Business mailed to our office. Subject line - Attn: Appeals
Appeal Process
Within fifteen business days of initiating the appeal, the learner must provide the Appeal Committee Secretary with:
- A written submission that includes the learner’s position.
- Copies of any documents relevant to the appeal.
- Evidence relevant to the issues in the appeal.
As soon as reasonably possible after receiving the appeal and supporting information, the Secretary must convene the Appeal Committee to consider the appeal.
The learner or CPAWSB may be represented by legal counsel throughout the appeal.
The Appeal Committee will issue a written decision as soon as is practical after reaching a decision.