PER Orientation
The PER orientation is available from within Desire2Learn (D2L). If you are accessing PERT for the first time, enter into your browser bar to log into D2L.
Click on the home icon to see the homepage
Scroll down until you see the Practical Experience Student orientation link and click on it
The orientation course has two parts, and you will need to view both parts before you can attempt the quiz.
After viewing both parts of the orientation, you can attempt the quiz. You have an unlimited number of attempts to achieve at least 60 percent and successfully complete the quiz before moving on.
Access the quiz by clicking on the ‘Evaluation’ folder.
The remaining course content folders contain resources that will be useful to you in establishing your mentoring relationship and in using the profession’s online Practical Experience Reporting Tool (PERT).
How to access the PER orientation webinars through the Certification Resource Centre
Go to the D2L Course Homepage (within specific course) and scroll down until you see the Certification Resource Centre link.
The link will redirect you to the CPA Canada website where the Certification Resource Centre is located.
There is a menu on the right side of the page. Click on “Resources for CPA practical experience requirements”
Scroll down to the “CPA PER resources for future CPAS” and click on the “Practical Experience orientation for future CPAS: (Parts 1 and 2)
The Certification Resource Centre can also be accessed outside D2L on the CPA Canada Website .
You can access PERT through My CPA portal on the CPAWSB website. Find instructions for accessing the portal here.