Frequently Asked Questions
Everything you need to know about the CPA Professional Educational Program.
Here are some commonly asked questions we get from our candidates. If your question is not addressed here, then please do not hesitate to contact us.
CPA PEP Related Information


In part 1 of this series, I discussed things you could consider when choosing your module electives surrounding the CPA PEP requirements: education, evaluation, and experience. Here in part 2, I will take a more subjective approach. I base my advice on my experiences with the thousands of candidates I have personally taught and the tens of thousands of candidates I have interacted with during my last ten years working with CPA PEP and a similar legacy designation.

Here’s the low-down. The rationale behind why we don’t send email reminders and what to do instead.

- non-payment of fees
- exhausting module attempts
- failure to complete the program within the established time limits.

In this week's blog we explain how dues are calculated when transitioning from CPA preparatory courses to CPA PEP.

The first part of this series discussed reframing “quitting” with the second part focusing on skills development. This final post will discuss how to put it all together.

We at CPAWSB understand stress can often accompany exams. Adding the layer of a remote exam may impact the stress of preparation.
Our goal is to be both empathetic and provide you with tools for self-empowerment.