Personal Information Changes
CPAWSB will contact you using the information you enter on your My CPA profile. You must ensure that the information, including legal first and last names, home address, phone number(s), email address(es), and employment details are correct and for updating them as soon as possible after a change.
To update your legal name, you must provide one of the accepted documents using the ‘Upload a Document’ functionality on the main menu of the My CPA portal. Once the document is received, CPAWSB will update the name on your file as per the uploaded document and you will be able to see these changes on your portal.
Accepted documents include:
- Canadian driver’s license
- Passport, any nationality
- Both sides of a Canadian Citizenship Certificate or card
- Both sides of a Permanent Resident Card
- Records of landing (landing paper)
- Nexus identification card
Please note: you are unable to change your provincial governance or residency status through the portal and will need to contact CPAWSB for assistance updating this information.
Change of Governance
You are enrolled with the provincial CPA body of the province in which you are working and residing.
If you move from one province or territory within the Western Region (Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Yukon) to another you are required to notify the CPA Western School of Business so we can update your record.
If you have recently moved or will be moving within the western region, please contact CPAWSB for information on how to change your governing body.
CPA Candidates: [email protected]
CPA Students: [email protected]
If you are relocating to another CPA region, please follow the transfer out process.