Exam Accommodations
One-time and Ongoing Accommodations
CPA Western School of Business provides reasonable one-time and ongoing exam accommodations to students and candidates who:
- Need to bring medical items to the writing centre.
- Require restricted items at the writing centre.
- Require an alternate exam location because they live more than 150 km from the nearest approved exam location.
- Have documented disabilities (physical, mental, or learning impairments) within the definition provided by the Human Rights Code.
A one-time accommodation is requested for one specific exam offering only and an ongoing accommodation is requested for all current and future exams. Once granted, an ongoing exam accommodation will be valid for the duration of CPA education.
Typically, requests should be submitted at least 10 weeks before the exam date to allow time for sufficient review. In exceptional circumstances, such as an accident or compassionate reasons, applications for exam accommodations may be considered within two weeks of an exam and may be granted if time permits.

Accommodations Application Process
Submit accommodation requests via My CPA portal at least 10 weeks before the exam date to allow time for sufficient review. Additional documentation may be required.
Accessibility and accommodation requests are handled through a national process. Please refer to CPA Canada’s website for the accommodation request forms and additional information.
CPAWSB students and candidates can direct queries and submit completed accommodation request forms and supporting documentation to [email protected].